A special thanks goes out to my adored friend Louli. The day after I moved into my apartment, I was able to use the coffee cups she gave me, along with the little spoons. They were actually my ONLY spoons. I even treated myself to having a cup of coffee and used the saucer that goes with it, which I never take the time to do. But these days, I take my time taking my morning coffee, and I even refill my cup several times. While the coffee is on the stove in my Italian coffee maker, I take my morning shower. I don't sleep past 5 or 6am, so I'm on a great schedule. Another special thanks to my friend Louli again, for the AWESOME pressure cooker, as I actually made a loubia tajine in it today, and it works SO well and is easy to use. So I thought of Louli and smiled. Thank you my dear friend!
It has been another fruitful day. Yesterday, I visited a daycare which I have been in touch with while in DC, I wasn't impressed. Ok, I will be honest, my nose told me that it was not the right place. It smelled like kids and a school. I'm horrible I know! Well, my nose is horrible actually. This morning, while I was happily driving to work (for the first time) excited to see my office on the 11th floor for the first time, I noticed a Methodist Church which had a sign saying Enrolling Now, so I immediately pulled into its parking lot. Now mind you, suddenly pulling into places is not a problem in Knoxville, because there is usually no cars behind me. To make a long story short, I loved the place and will sign my little one up there next week. She will be singing about Jesus and saying grace before lunch, but heck, I decided to make peace with my Methodist ancestors (my maternal grandfather was Methodist, and I went to a Methodist school). A Pakistani woman working there, told me, "we believe in Jesus don't we?" I said "asolutely!" Well, I just LOVED how clean the place was and how it smelled. My nose and the smile of the people working there were decisive factors. So, Miss Meems will be in schoold 5 days per week, from 9am until 2pm. Now I am looking for a student to be the girls' nanny 3 days/week.
After my early morning discovery, I happily headed to campus, where I was happily helped by the dept. secretary who is so sweet. I'm moving into my office this w-e so she lent me her key. After checking out my office way high up on the 11th floor and WITH A WINDOW (I requested the window because I'm clostrophobic) I headed to parking services, where I met a very unhappy man, who helped me, after awhile but he was the first person in TN I met who did not smile. I should have asked him: "Are you from DC?" Just kidding!
Another moment I had today, was going to the grocery store after I was done at school, where there were probably 5 customers.
Now, I had to rush to Target yesterday to invest in an iron and an ironing board. It was never my intention to spend hours ironing my clothes, however, when ironing a shirt costs 5.75 then you're better off spending long nights doing so on YOUR own! I painfully took 2 suits to the dryclean, everything else, I have piled for my own self to iron. I was excited about NOT wasting time on ironing, but then I figured, I'd rather iron than spend THAT kind of $$ on clothes that will be soaking and very messy within an hour after putting them on.
I decided I was well set since I have maids coming every week and that is already all set. Yey! They are GOOD too! I so look forward to having my apartment sparkling every Monday or Tuesday.
Piano and swimming lessons have been put on the schedule for the month of Sept. for the girls. I'm still researching soccer and figuring out how to fit in the karate. I'm especially excited about getting a nanny to take care of these chores and help Lili with her homework at least 3 days/week.
Ok so far life has been very nice and relaxing. I don't want to give myself the evil eye. I also enjoy spending A LOT of time alone in my apt. I almost want to say I miss traffic jams, but I'd be lying. I have seen the Knoxville police twice since I've been here. Thank God, because today I went half way through a red light. Oooops! I was distracted by 2 signs saying "Farmer's Market", one pointed to the right the other pointed to the left. I was quite confused and intrigued.
I can't believe that only 20% of Knoxvill'ans' go to Church. By the way, I was told at one school that I needed a 'letter from my pastor' indicating that my daughter doesn't eat pork... and No, this is NOT a joke. I said, "I have no pastor and I have to religious affiliation" I really wanted to scream, "I HATE organized religion dammit!" but I didn't. I simply said, I will write you a letter explaining that my daughter doesn't eat pork.
I look forward to more adventures. I have been asked 3 times "what is THAT?" on my feet... It almost makes me wanna forget Henna, although I doubt I ever will::))
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